Thursday, October 06, 2005

Philly Event

Hi Folks,

It started out as just a passing thought and a quick e-mail to some AffiliateShowcase and jvAlert members, but I must have struck a chord, because my e-mail has been buzzing ever since!

Here's how it started ...

A group of local area marketing types including Frank Garon, Andy Jenkins, Mike Merz and I had gotten together for lunch to share ideas and partner together.

It was a great time and it got me to thinking that there were a bunch of my members who live within driving distance and that maybe we could get together and spend some time plotting how to help each other out in our on-line businesses.

The idea was that depending on how many people were interested, we would either meet for lunch, maybe spend the afternoon in my basement or if more people were interested maybe we would move to a meeting room, spend the day and have some of our top-level jvAlert members work directly with you.

If more responded, then the sky was the limit!

Anyway that you look at it, it shouldn't cost anyone more than the price of a good lunch.

I was bowled over by the response!

Luckily, I recovered quickly and have decided on a date to do the first event in the Philadelphia area.

So ...

If there is ANY chance that you can get to the Philadelphia area on Saturday, November 5th, 2005, lock it in your calendar RIGHT NOW and immediately send an e-mail to to let me know that you want to come.

Judging by my e-mail pile, we won't be meeting in my basement. I'm researching conference centers as this goes out and we are going to have a great time all weekend.
I'd love it if you could be here.

So far we have people who want to come from Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
Naturally, that means that they have to have a place to stay, and also we all want to be as close together as possible.

Luckily Melodieann Whiteley specializes in finding great meeting facilities and has offered to help us out.

This morning Melodieann sent out 16 requests for proposals to facilities that meet our requirements and we should get the results back and pick the location very soon.

But ...

It would really help if we knew how many people would want a hotel room. The more rooms we can guarantee, the less our costs are.

So ...

It would really help me out if you can let me know ASAP that you are definitely coming and also give me a hint as to whether you would want to stay at the event's hotel.
I realize that you might not know without having the exact location, but if you can let me know your feelings, Melodieann and I will do our best to accomodate as many people as possible.
Just send an e-mail to to let me know that you want to come and let me know if you are interested in a room at the hotel.

We will be having some great brainstorming sessions with some of the members of jvAlert to work out SPECIFIC ways that we can all work together.

jvAlert is an amazing group of people. I keep assuming that all of the AffiliateShowcase members know about it, but that's a bad assumption.

We've got lots of new readers and sometimes I forget to tell you about all the great things that are going on.

I've lost track of how many MILLIONS of customers, subscribers and members the combined reach of jvAlert members is, but the last time I looked, it was a huge number.

Imagine working on YOUR project with this crew ...

Anthony Blake, Charlie Page, David Garfinkel, Diane Hughes, Duncan Carver, Eva Browne-Paterson, James Maduk, Jim Daniels, Jo Han Mok, Joe Kumar, Joel Christopher, Jun Han, Kenneth McArthur, Larry Dotson, Lee Benson, Mark Keegan, Marty Foley, Michael Green, Neil Shearing, Paul Myers, Peter Twist, Phil Wiley, Robert Imbriale, Shawn Collins, Sherry Gordon, Sid Hale, Simon Grabowski, Theresa Cahill, Willie Crawford, and Yanik Silver just to name a few of our quality members.

jvAlert is by invitation only, but AffiliateShowcase members ALWAYS have my personal invitation to join us at:

Don't worry, you don't have to join jvAlert to attend this event!

Now all of those people are NOT going to be at the Philadelphia event, but you can guarantee that we WILL have a great group of people from jvAlert that you can work with directly at an amazing face to face event.

And ...

The best part is that we aren't charging the usual thousand dollar plus fees to get in!
All we are doing is covering the direct costs of the room rental and a possible meal together, so no one should have to chip in more than the cost of a good meal to join us.
If there is any way that you can come, lock in November 5th, 2005 on your calendar right now.

And ...

send an e-mail to to let me know that you want to come, so that I can reserve a spot for you. (Also, let me know if you are going to want a hotel room.)

Already confirmed are marketers like Andy Jenkins, Jane Mark, Phil Basten, Gary Baker, Cody Moya, Jim Donovan, and Mike Merz, plus a number of new people to meet with more all the time.

We will also have some activities on Friday night and/or Sunday for people who come for the event.

I'm also trying to set up individual one-on-one meetings with people before and after the event to discuss ways that we can work together directly.

If you want to work directly with me, this is a great time to get together.

I've got over 300,000 members on various membership sites now and I'm sure that there are lots of ways that we can work together to benefit both of us.

Also, we will be having presentations of YOUR ideas to the entire group. Here is your chance to find partners to support your projects.

One contact could be worth ... well think about it!

We've also planned some break-out sessions to give you a chance to meet each other a talk about specific ideas that you are interested in.

Don't worry if you are new to Internet marketing and joint ventures. Naturally, we have the experts there to help you all the way!

Two of the jvAlert members that will be in Philadelphia to help are Jane Mark and Phil Basten.

You may know them from the "Joe and Mable Show" ...

Or from Instant Cash Magnet ...

Or from their project with Mike Glaspie the all new BuildReferrals Next Generation ....

Well, now they have a very interesting new site that could be a ...

Great advertising resource for you!

Jane and Phil have been doing some work with Shari Thomas.

You probably remember Shari as the person who wrote, "Setting Up AffiliateShowcase"

If you don't -- you better pick up the two zero cost gifts at:

Here's what Jane said ...
"Ken, you can laugh at this if you like but once you are done laughing, take a serious look ...

It looks like a painting but it's really a Traffic Magnet

Google keeps asking what is this?

It's a collage that has everyone fascinated and clicking on images like crazy to see who is doing what and for how much.

It is simply one of the best new advertising methods to come along on the net.

It's called Pixels Anyone and here's how it works.

- You purchase a space on the site.
- It's a one time Lifetime Purchase.
- Your image remains on the site forever

You get a 50 character mouse over text ad And of course the image links to any site you like.

You can purchase on the main page or you can purchase on the interior pages depending on your budget but wherever you purchase, you will have people looking and clicking and you
can monitor your stats right through your members login.

This is unique and unusual advertising. It's a linking and traffic generation stategy that may fit in YOUR mix of advertising for your AffiliateShowcase site.

Check it out now at:

Next ...

Anik Singal sent me a link to his PDF newsletter for affiliates.

I was really amazed at the amount of work that he put into this one.
It looks like a national magazine and was packed with 52 pages of great information.

Subscribe to it now! -- It doesn't cost a cent.

Don't forget!

Send an e-mail to to let me know that you want to come to Philadelphia, so that I can reserve a spot for you. (Also, let me know if you are going to want a hotel room.)

All the best,


Kenneth A. McArthur

P.S. Ok, I can hear some of you groaning already ...

There are some of you who just won't be able to make this one, but hope is in the air!
I've already had a large number of inquiries about doing this in other areas.

So far the Florida, Virginia/North Carolina, Chicago, UK and Australian areas have had the strongest demand, but all that it takes is a time, a place and enough people interested that it covers a plane ticket and room for me to come see you and organize the event.

Just send an e-mail to and send me the location that YOU would like to see the second event at.

Get working on this right now!